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Exhibition "Tone tongue mouth" by Wendelien van Oldenborgh



Audiovisual production of the exhibition "To lengua boca", curated by Anna Manubens, at "Fabra i Coats: Contemporary Art Center of Barcelona".

"Tone tongue mouth" brings together a significant part of the audio-visual productions by Wendelien van Oldenborgh (Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1962) for the first international retrospective of her work. With three juxtaposed words, the title disassembles the elements that combined would configure a voice. The tone, recognisable but without semantic content; the tongue, a visceral organ but also a political-linguistic construct, and the mouth, a place of embodied enunciation.


Director: Joana Hurtado

Curator and space design: Anna Manubens

Audiovisual production: Colibrí Studio & Xavier Torrent

Setup: Xavier Torrent

Coordination and production: Raúl M. Candela, Clara Renau, Miriam Soms

Photographic documentation: Eva Carasol

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